Conversion Rate Optimization

AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaaS enabled Conversion Rate Optimization(CRO) Platform for Marketing Team to enable funnel analytics, heatmaps, segmentation optimization, A/B Testing and Split URL Testing for customers engagement

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glosys CRO Overview

glosys CRO, a product of glosys CRM Platform, provides AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaaS Applications and Services for Marketing Team to enable funnel analytics, heatmaps, segmentation optimization, A/B Testing and Split URL Testing for customers engagement in the digital world

Features We offer

Funnel Analytics

Efficient funnel conversion tracking, funnel reordering, visualization and metrics

Heatmaps Management

Render analysis of heatmaps, samples, web structure, content, usage and traffic patterns

Segmentation Optimization

Analysis and optimization of campaigning, demographic, behavioral and geographical segmentaion for the customers

A/B Testing

Analysis and Tracking of hypothesis, split URL, multivariate, funnel testing and web optimization

Split URL Testing

Derive insights from Split URL Test Methodology, Variants, Metrics, segmentation and personalization

Meet Your Marketing Objectives & Needs