MLOps Automation

AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaaS enabled Platform for AI and Analytics Team to manage Construction of CI/CD AI Pipelines using built-in neural networks, python SDK, webhooks and advanced orchestration

Products / glosys AI / MLOps Automation

glosys MLOps Automation AI Overview

glosys MLOps Automation AI, One of the components of glosys AI Platform, provides AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaaS Applications and Services for AI and Analytics Team to manage Construction of CI/CD AI Pipelines using built-in neural networks, python SDK, webhooks and advanced orchestration in the digital world

Features We offer

Data transfer

Upload large image batches from your computer, cloud storages, and public URLs via Python SDK.

Continuous data monitoring

Compute the consensus and the benchmark of images to determine their quality and include only the best data in your model.

Neural network training

Create models, run training, and compare the training metrics of multiple models

Accurate predictions

Make accurate predictions every time using your high-quality training models.

Model deployment

Deploy your models and put them to work whether it’s a self-driving car, a surveillance system, or an auto-tracking camera

Meet Your AI for MLOps Automation Objectives & Needs