AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaaS Solutions for Your Business

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We develop solutions for building technology and business software that solves complex issues behind challenging areas of Cloud Management, Analytics, Security Management, Testing & Quality Assurance, Customer Relationship Management, Enterprise Resource Planning and establishes Center of Excellence(CoE) Labs for Big data, Security, Testing, Mobile and Cloud Technologies.

glosys ERP

AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaaS Applications for Digital Business Management to focus on Human Resources, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Support and Enterprise Security

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glosys Analytics

An Integrated Machine Learning Analytics Suite for Industries to offer exploratory data analysis, text, image, speech and video data modeling and visualization

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glosys CyberSec

AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaSS Applications for Malware, Threat Intelligence, Intrusion Detection, Penetration Testing, Vulnerability and Enterprise security analytics

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glosys Health

AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaaS Applications for Digital Healthcare to focus on Integrated Patients Management, Clinical Centre, Lab, Diseases, Pharmacy and Material Management for various Specialities

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glosys Learning

An Integrated AI and SaaS enabled online IT Skills Upgradation Platform for Students, Working Professionals, Colleges, Universities and Learning Platform for Industries

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