glosys Analytics Platform

AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaSS Applications for AI & Analytics Team to focus on Data Management, Visualization, Image, Text, Audio and Video Annotation, Model Management and MLOps Automation for industries

Products / glosys Analytics

glosys Analytics Overview

glosys Analytics, a platform of Glosys Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd. incorporated in Chennai, provides AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaSS Applications and Services for AI & Analytics Team to focus on Data Management, Visualization, Image, Text, Audio and Video Annotation, Model Management and MLOps Automation in the digital world

Next Generation Analytics & AI Technology and Business Era

Prepare for the future

With the proliferation of digital technologies and new business models, we work on different possible permutations and combinations to observe the changes which keep happening for better outcomes and higher efficiency to analyse the demand and develop new competencies.

  • Explainable AI

    Glosys helps companies manage and use web and mobile applications to meet the unique, diverse and ever-changing needs of the customers. We leverage our expertise to accelerate time-to-market for improving customer experience.

  • With the sophisticated power of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, We enable the industries to render online analytical processing activities and derive insights from huge amount of data collected from various sources using ML Tools, APIs, SDKs and deep learning frameworks such as tensorflow, keras, PyTorch

  • Big Data Technology is redefining the way the industries derive insights from the data that is managed and integrated from different sources across multichannels.

  • We provide the powerful features and solutions for the managed cloud environment that is fully integrated with the multiple layers of Services such as Software as a Service, Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service encompassing cloud automation tools.


Create a competitive edge for unprecedented growth

Technology is moving into the next orbit with the emerging areas including Machine-Machine Interaction, Software Defined Everything, Smart Environments and Autonomous Devices.

  • We provide services for Cyber forensics, Cyber Laws, Prevention of Cyber Attacks, OpenSSL, VPN, VLAN, Firewalls with IPTables,, Intrusion Detection with Tools, Authentication, Authorization, Identity and Access Control, Vulnerability Assessment, SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting Attacks, OS and Cloud Security

  • We provide services for functional testing, continuous integration continuous delivery, security testing, load and performance testing, user acceptance testing, test management for Data Science based web, mobile and chatbot applications

  • We provide services for Interfacing Sensor with Raspberry Pi and Arduino, IoT Device, IoT Gateway using Raspberry Pi environment Input Output Devices, Communication with Bluetooth, Zigbee, GSM, RFID Readers, Tags with Raspberry Pi, Yocto Build, Interfacing with IoT Cloud using Raspberry Pi and Arduino

  • We provide services for Bitcoin Mining, Ethereum, Private and Public Block chain Environment, Smart Contracts, Mining and Transfer of Ether, Hyperlegder composer, Consensus, Multichain platform, Block chain Applications

glosys Analytics Platform

Glosys product research and development division harnesses creativity in its people, triggers new ideas in terms of preparation, investigation, transformation, incubation, illumination and builds up successful, groundbreaking products. Glosys leverages its culture, innovation processes through significant breakthrough representing major shift in design to seize new opportunities in the marketplace and grow its business exponentially.

Data Management

An Integrated AI driven SaaS Platform for AI and Analytics Team to manage data sets in terms of data extraction, transformation, loading and processing effectively

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Annotation Automation

An Integrated AI driven SaaS Platform for AI and Analytics Team to manage auto-annotating, image and video annotations, interpolate and fine tune the performance of the annotator

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Model Management

An Integrated AI driven SaaS Platform for AI and Analytics Team to manage construction of ML Pipelines, Auto-ML to develop production-ready AI, Model Workflows, Models Hub and Model Metrics

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Document Processing

An Integrated AI driven SaaS Platform for AI and Analytics Team to focus on Document Processing tasks such as Summarization, TTS, Information Extraction, POS Tagging, Chatbots and Recommender Systems

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MLOps Automation

An Integrated AI driven SaaS Platform for AI and Analytics Team to manage Construction of CI/CD AI Pipelines using built-in neural networks, python SDK, webhooks and advanced orchestration

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An Integrated AI driven SaaS Platform for AI and Analytics Team to protect and secure image and video data using security features such as roles, profiles and permissions management and field level security

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Our Competencies

Glosys Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd. develops solutions for building technology and business software that solves complex issues behind challenging areas of Cloud Management, Analytics, Security Management, Testing & Quality Assurance, Customer Relationship Management, Enterprise Resource Planning and establishes Center of Excellence(CoE) Labs for Big data, Security, Testing, Mobile and Cloud Technologies.

Business Intelligence

Analysing data and delivering actionable information that helps executives, managers and workers make informed business decisions

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Big data & Machine Learning

Uncover hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends, customer preferences, and other useful information from large data sets

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Deep Learning

Structures algorithms in layers to create an artificial neural network that can learn and make intelligent decisions on its own

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Computer Vision

Deep Learning for Image and Video Classification, Detection, Localization, Captioning, Augmentation using Convolutional Neural Networks

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Natural Language Processing

Deep Learning for Text Classification, Summarization, Embedding, Developing Chatbots using Recurrent Neural Networks

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