
AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaaS enabled Platform for Support Team to manage tickets for resolving customer issues

Products / glosys One / glosys Desk / Ticketing

glosys Ticketing Overview

glosys Ticketing, a product of glosys Desk Platform, provides AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaaS Applications and Services for Support Team to work together and resolve customer issues in the digital world

Features We offer

Tickets Assignment

Prioritization, Categorization and Assignment of tickets to the right agents

Tickets Divide & Conquer

Tickets filtering, spliting and merging depending upon the issues

SLA driven Tickets Management

Redistribution of workload based on SLA compliance rates

AI enabled Notifications

Automated Notifications for Agents and escalations to Managers

Tickets Activity Monitoring

Machine Learning based Collaborative Ticketing and Activity Logs

Meet Your Customer Support Objectives & Needs